We all could use a little help along the way.

family resource center

If you have walked down either of our Children’s Ministry hallways, you probably saw the Family Resource Center display. These resources are there for you to browse through and see if they may be something that would be good for your family. This is just another way that our Family Ministry desires to equip and encourage parents and families. Often times leading a family seems impossible and we can all use a little help along the way. This is a list of the resources that we like and thought you might as well. Simply click on an image below for more information as well as how to purchase it if you would like.


These books are recommended by the Family Ministry at CFCC specifically for parents as you navigate the adventure that is parenting.

Spiritual and relational development

Every child grows both spiritually and relationally at different levels. These books can help them as they navigate life at an early age.


There are hundreds of different options when it comes to devotionals, Bibles and storybook Bibles. Here are a few of our favorites.


These are fantastic resources for those of us with teenagers in the home.


Some of the best times as families are when we just talk together over dinner or have a family game night.

The Bible APP For Kids

You kids can experience the Bible with vivid illustrations, touch-activated animations, games, and activities to help kids remember what they learn.


If you would like a recommendation on a specific topic or issue that your family is dealing with, email Carolyn Cloutier, our Family Ministry Director at ccloutier@carolinaforest.org.