Student Ministries


The Student Ministry at CFCC exists to prepare middle and high school students for the next step in their lives by helping them develop a real and personal relationship with Jesus. We don’t want students to adopt their parent’s faith or simply learn their church’s doctrinal statements, but rather fall in love with Jesus. Their personal relationship with him is what will equip them for whatever their next step may be in life.

So … how do we accomplish this goal?


We start with connecting a student into a SMALL GROUP. Our student ministry sees the importance in producing strong relationships with a spiritually mature adult leader as well as other students in the same season of their lives. The small group environment gives our students an opportunity to not only better understand scripture and God’s will for their lives, but will also gives them a community of friends (and adults) who will celebrate life with them as well as walk through the challenges that may come their way.


We also see the importance of students serving in the local church, we call these our “4TEN STUDENTS”. In 1 Peter 4:10 it says, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” We believe that serving others within the local church is a critical way that God grows our faith. It helps us recognize that our Creator uniquely gifted all of us and desires to use our gifts for His church.


Finally, throughout each calendar year, we plan RELATIONAL EXPERIENCES, such as our weekly gathering called Unite. This is where all of our small groups and their friends unite together for food, games, worship, and teaching. Other relational experiences include summer camp, retreats, mission trips, and outings that are just for fun! Unite will not meet during the summer.

Sunday evenings, 6:00pm – 8:00pm, Student Center building dinner, worship, teaching, breakout groups

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More Information

For more information on this ministry or how your middle/high schooler can get plugged in, email Thomas Critelli at

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