UPDATE: Our first mile marker includes our initial investment payoff, which we are blessed to say we have completed in 2023!

For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.’

— Luke 14:28-30

The Campaign

The Christian is not just built on a belief in Jesus but on a radical devotion to Him. Jesus is not just our Savior, He is our King. Our King gave us a mission: to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20). Every Christian is charged with working together to fulfill the mission our King gave us. To aid us in this, Jesus gave us the church. The church is not meant to be a building where we gather. It’s a community where we train, serve, and grow so that we can go build the Kingdom of God.

Years ago, we had a vision of what our campus could become. That vision would allow us to become a lighthouse to our community, a place that addresses the physical, mental, relational, and spiritual needs of our community; all of which are centered on the Gospel of Jesus.

As Luke 14 says, we have spent months praying and counting the cost that we may be prepared to grow and expand our Kingdom impact in our community. This is not an endeavor we undertake alone. This is our vision for our church community. We want you to join us in this campaign, to help grow our ministry impact For the Kingdom.

Campus Expansion

Adult Worship Center

The Adult Worship Center is focused on our Sunday morning experience. Our weekly worship services are for unifying and celebrating Jesus. Each time we gather together, we strive to deepen our affections for Jesus, grow in our faith in Jesus, and worship Jesus in word and deed.

Student Ministry Center

The Student Ministry Center is designed specifically with teenagers in mind! It’s our goal to disciple the students of Carolina Forest and partner with parents as they strive to guide their teens into a relationship with Christ. Ultimately, we want our students to experience the love and grace of Jesus and become the next generation of leaders for Christ!

Family Worship Center

It’s our dream to create a Family Ministry Center that is Bible-centered, fun, and safe. An environment where kids can’t wait to come back! Our programming for children is creatively designed to stimulate excitement for learning about Jesus while develop­ing a partnership with parents to leave a legacy for Christ.

Sports Ministry Center

The CFCC Sports Ministry offers a Christ-centered experience that emphasizes Christian character development along with traditional sportsmanship, teamwork, with overall fitness and skill development in each program offered. The Sports Ministry facility will be the hub for this community outreach ministry.

Freedom Center, Outreach Center, and CFCC Residence

The CFCC Freedom Center is focused on our freedom and recovery from the vices and heartbreaks that entrap us. Our desire is to provide a pathway of recovery rooted in the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, where freedom in God’s grace is received and experienced.

The CFCC Outreach Center is focused on meeting the needs of those who are experiencing a loss, or simply struggling to provide for themselves or their families. Through this outreach effort, we want to be a beacon of provision in the Grand Strand, domestically and around the world.

The CFCC Residence is our newest addition to the campus expansion. This facility will be focused on the housing of disaster relief teams, mission teams (student and adult), displaced families from disasters, pastoral relief (pastors & families to get away and refresh). Here we will serve and minister to others during different times in life.

Make a Commitment

The first and most important step to getting involved is to ask God and prayerfully consider what He is leading you to do. If He is moving you towards being a part of something greater, boldly step into that calling.

If God is calling you to make a 3-year financial commitment to the For the Kingdom campaign, use this link below to submit your Commitment to the project. This allows us to keep the project on budget and provide encouragement and status updates to those who have committed to join us on this journey.

You can adjust your commitment by emailing Diane Moore our Church Administrator at dmoore@carolinaforest.org

Design a Plan for Generous Giving

As an expression of faith and commitment to God, many members make their commitment a priority during capital campaigns. As you prayerfully determine your strategy for supporting the For the Kingdom campaign, consider these options to design a plan for generous giving.

Cash commitments are the most common way to make gifts over and above first fruits. When developing your strategy for generous giving, keep in mind that the commitment period is three years.

Giving of assets (non-cash resources) can be a significant option in planning your generous giving strategy. Appreciated stocks, mutual fund shares, bonds or real estate can be donated directly and offers the benefit of avoiding capital gains taxes while increasing giving potential. Contact Elder Bob Moore for more information or with questions at bmoore@carolinaforest.org.

Some business owners have committed corporate resources as well as personal gifts. A “portion” from total sales one day a week during the campaign period is an example of this strategy.

Individuals and families often decide to take a less expensive vacation or delay buying a new car or remodeling a home in order to have more to give.

When substantial commitments such as mortgage payments or college tuition are complete, diverting those resources to the For the Kingdom Campaign can increase your commitment significantly.

A larger commitment based on anticipated income increases over the three-year commitment period can increase generosity. Consider expected salary increases, overtime possibilities or planned bonuses from employment contracts.

Cash received from an inheritance or income tax refund can greatly increase your campaign commitment.


We have a vision to develop our campus to be a lighthouse, shining the Gospel in every direction. We believe the time is now; as the community grows rapidly around us, we want to be ready to minister to people where they are and share the light of the Gospel with them. Through the expansion of our campus we believe we will expand our ministry impact allowing us to share the Gospel to every person, no matter what they may be going through in life.

The beginning date is still to be determined. Before we break ground on a building, we are committed to paying off the existing investment from chapter one. Once we have raised the funds to build the Family Ministry Center the construction time is estimated to be between 12 and 18 months. We hope to begin this project at or before the end of our three-year commitment phase which would allow us to begin in March 2025.

Of course. We understand that seasons change. Sometimes God blesses us beyond what we can dream and other times we go through resource challenges that can be a struggle. *You can adjust your Commitment by emailing dmoore@carolinaforest.org

It doesn’t. This campaign gift is in addition to your normal giving which is used to operate the ongoing ministries of CFCC.

Jesus tells a number of parables in the NT that reflect one simple truth: commitment isn’t about the amount given. It’s about the heart of the one doing the giving. There are many ways to support this campaign, not all of them financial:

    • Regular prayer for the church
    • Serving faithfully at the church

For some creative ways to support the campaign, click the Generosity Guide
link below.

If you have any further questions or would like to discuss other ways to support the campaign please reach out to us at: info@carolinaforest.org

Our overall vision for chapter two is estimated to cost: $15-16 million

We plan to approach this in phases with milestones along the way. The first milestone on our journey to complete chapter two includes:


1. Pay off the remainder of our chapter one investment.DONE

2. Building a Family Ministry Center that connects to our main worship building.

3. Renovate our current auditorium and main worship building (including new seating, an expanded lobby, and more).

The expected cost to reach our first milestone is: $4.5-5 million


We are asking our church family to prayerfully consider a three-year For the Kingdom commitment that is in addition to what you currently give. Your three-year commitment can be given weekly, monthly, annually, or through a one-time gift (you can give through the button above).

We will provide updates on Sunday mornings, through our website, our newsletter, special live videos, and other various modes of communication.

God doesn’t call the equipped. He equips those He calls. We believe that as we faithfully pursue the vision God has given to us, He will faithfully provide the resources needed to do so. The building expansion will be led by a combination of staff and volunteers. As our campus builds out we expect to expand our staff and volunteer leader opportunities in ensure the spaces are used according to their purpose for the glory of Jesus.

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