Creative Serve Opportunities

Worship Team

Our Worship Team exists to lead the church in expressing worship through music by singing, raising our hands in surrender, dancing in thanksgiving, bowing in surrender, shouting in triumph, and many other ways that we love to express our praise and worship to our King Jesus.

Vocalists sing skillfully, unified in leading worship by example, on and off the stage. Engaging and exhorting the congregation with zeal.

Band members play skillfully as a unified team, laying the foundation for the singers to sing confidently, and leading the congregation in worship through our instruments.

Tech Team

Our Tech Team works to keep the technology running smoothly. They are involved with everything from lights, to screens, to sound. They work alongside the Worship Team to help create a powerful experience for our attendees.

Members of the Tech Team are some of the first to arrive for weekend services to rehearse and prepare for distraction-free worship experiences.

Two camera operators capture the entire Sunday morning service in video form. We use these video feeds to enlarge what’s happening on screen for the entire auditorium to see and also stream to our online audience.

  • Sit at the camera station for an entire service.

  • Listen on headsets for cues and directions from the Director.

  • Learn and execute standard camera shots, following subjects steadily.

  • Your direct contact will be the student pastor.
  • You will be given a weekly lesson prepared by student pastor to deliver to your group.
  • You will be responsible for pouring into students of a specific grade and gender via opening up your home or space at the church.
  • Must attend SGL training that is scheduled.

The Director coordinates all the video feeds (two cameras and the ProPresenter computer), creating cohesive media support for the worship experience in the auditorium and online.

  • Execute cohesive media support for the worship experience.

  • Direct multiple team members simultaneously.

  • Balance a commitment to excellence with a high regard for fellow volunteers.

  • Learn to operate the Switcher board.

A Videographer/Photographer captures the key moments on a Sunday morning (or other special events). Digital media is heavily utilized as we share information within our church and our surrounding community. We love to use authentic images and videos, whether we’re praising God for Beach Baptisms or friendships formed within our volunteer teams.

  • Capture moments on Sunday mornings (i.e. greeting visitors, pastor teaching, etc.).

  • Capture moments at some special events (i.e. Beach Baptisms, outreach event).

  • Share curated shots (choose the best ones) with Tech and Media Director.

We stream our live services to Youtube and LiveStream. This is an exciting opportunity to expand our reach and bring our Sunday morning experience to those who aren’t able to be there in person.

  • Set up and monitor live stream on two separate computers.

  • Listen for cues and directions from the Director.

  • Check and adjust the online audio mix.

  • Monitor online comments and viewer stats.

On-screen lyrics, announcement slides, sermon notes and verses are all controlled by a software called ProPresenter. The ProPresenter Computer Operator works with the Producer to get the right media on screen at the right time.

  • Operate ProPresenter for both services

  • Work closely with and take directions from the Director

  • Learn ProPresenter interface for accomplishing needed tasks

  • Learn appropriate timing for lyrics and verses

The Producer has an understanding of all roles and looks at the worship experience holistically, leading the team through transitions, seeking to eliminate distractions, and solving any issues that may arise. This can also include filling in last minute if a Tech Team member is suddenly unable to fulfill their role.

  • Direct multiple team members simultaneously.

  • Remind Team of cues for smooth transitions.

  • Balance a commitment to excellence with a high regard for fellow volunteers.

  • Learn the basics of each role.

The Lighting Operator controls the Auditorium house and stage lights during the entire Sunday morning experience. Lights are key in successful transitions during the worship experience, as well as enhancing the time of worship through song.

  • Understand the flow of the service and create smooth transitions.

  • Strive to compliment the worship experience and not distract from it.

  • Listen for cues and directions from the Director.

  • Learn to program and operate our light board.

  • Learn the basics of DMX lighting technology.

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are all useful tools to communicate with our church family and the rest of the world. The Social Media Director will work with our Tech and Media Director to stay in the loop on exciting news, upcoming events, and promotion ideas.

  • Share stories of God at work in this church and community.

  • Promote upcoming events, sermon series, etc.

  • Help build the culture to which we aspire.

  • Take the gospel across the street and around the world.

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