GUEST ServICES Opportunities

We seek to be a welcoming church, helping people feel welcome to our Sunday services and welcome in our homes. The Guest Services Ministry is wide-ranging and includes many ways to serve one another, involving food provision, hospital visits, and more. Click below to learn about the many ways you can serve.

  • Our Door Greeters are usually the first impression of CFCC as visitors enter the church. Team members are friendly, welcoming, and assist first-time visitors. Most team members serve twice a month at either the 9:00 AM or 10:30 AM service. Door Greeters are also an important part of our Worship Nights and other Special Services.

  • The Welcome Desk Hosts are very familiar with all things CFCC. They speak with first-time guests, answering questions and helping them get connected at the church. Team members serve once or twice a month at either the 9:00 AM or 10:30 AM service.

  • Section Leaders serve at either the 9:00 AM or 10:30 AM service typically twice a month. Their role is to move about their Section of the Auditorium and greet our congregation and guests as they prepare to worship. This team ensures a warm and welcoming experience. Section Leaders pray with guests as needed and/or direct them to the Prayer Center before and after service.

  • This team is preparing to add an additional point of welcome as guests arrive to the church parking lot. They will assist with parking as needed.